Thursday 16 July 2015

The Importance of Technology in Economic and Social Development

Mobile technology offers extensive help on various forms of social and economic development. 
Technological innovation and Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) represent a way for developing world nations to foster economic development, improve levels of education and training, as well as address gender issues within society.
Entrepreneurship is crucial for economic development around the world. In countries such as Nigeria, Egypt and Indonesia, micro-entrepreneurs generate 38% of the gross domestic product. Analysis from the World Bank in 2011 indicates that small businesses create a disproportionate share of new jobs. They generate new ideas, new business models, and new ways of selling goods and services.
Wireless technology and ICT infrastructure development is also vital for entrepreneurship and small business development. In many emerging nations, it is a major challenge to gain access to capital and market information. Developing nations specifically do not have functioning infrastructure or much in the way of financial resources.
In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, approximately 29% of roads are paved, barely a quarter of the population has access to electricity, and there are fewer than three landlines available per 100 people. In Indonesia, 75% of the country has household incomes below $2.50 per day. The combination of poor infrastructure and poverty makes it difficult for entrepreneurs to access financial resources and information.
Below is an example of how a basic form of technology – such as a simple mobile phone – has been proved to assist people to communicate with one another, access market information, sell products across geographic areas, reach new consumers, enter mobile payment systems, reduce fraud and crime, and empower women and the disadvantaged.
The Self-Employed Women’s Association (Sewa) in India includes 1.1 million workers who pool their resources to improve their bargaining power. The organisation sends agricultural workers daily SMSs on commodity prices so farmers can determine the best places to sell their products. Those participating say they have been able to market fruits and vegetables over wider areas, and thereby earn higher incomes.
The Ethiopia Commodity Exchange Program (ECEP) has helped entrepreneurs expand their markets. Before 2008, 95% of farmers sold their products in local markets and were not able to access other areas. Transaction costs were high and they had problems getting fair prices due to the lack of market competition. With the advent of the ECEP, agricultural producers gained access to external buyers and were able to negotiate better prices. This boosted their incomes and improved the quality of food products.
The India-based Hand in Hand Partnership (HIHP) enables women to use mobile devices to launch businesses in the technology area. It provides mentorship, training, credit, and technical support.
In Kenya, the Farmers Helpful Network (FHN) gives agricultural producers access to the latest research through their mobile phones. Farmers can ask questions of experts concerning crop rotation, artificial insemination, and crop insurance. This helps them improve their agricultural production and marketing, and increase their overall income.
Access to mobile technology is particularly important for females because there are 300 million fewer women globally than men who own mobile devices. Overall, there is a 21% gender gap in owning a phone worldwide, but this number rises to 23% in Africa, 24% in the Middle East, and 37% in Asia.
Wireless communications also plays an important role in education and training. In Indonesia, the Global Ready eTraining Center program has trained over 1000 students in technology services. Those enrolled get vouchers for a three-month program. More than 95% of the individuals enrolled completed the class, and 75% said the course increased their income as a result of the skills acquired in the program.
A survey undertaken by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) found that 55% of women around the world earned additional income due to owning a mobile phone, and 41% increased their income and professional opportunities.
Mobile payment systems represent a way to reduce the cost of financial transactions and thereby help entrepreneurs. If people can transfer funds quickly and efficiently, it becomes easier for small and medium-sized businesses to sell their products. This improves the efficiency of the marketplace and removes barriers to growth.
Reducing “friction” is very important in African, Asian, and Latin American financial markets because barriers to financial transactions remain quite high. Only 30% of those who live in developing African nations have bank accounts.
In short, mobile technology offers extensive help on various forms of social and economic development. Wireless communications broaden access to information, improve capital access, overcome geographic limitations, and expand market access.
With mobile phones and tablets proliferating at a significant rate, these communications tools enable women, in this case the disadvantaged, and other individuals to access a broader range of investors, suppliers, and customers. Combined with social media platforms, people can extend their reach through mobile devices and pool resources in meaningful ways.
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The Importance of Technology in Our Daily Lives

Modern technology has become such an important facet of our lives that without it, the world would be radically different. We use so much technology (things like cell phones, computers, WiFi, cars, etc.) that it has ceased to be the luxury item it was even 10 years ago and has become the basic necessity that it is today. But there are still many people who do not even have the basic access that many of us take for granted.
If you are living on a very low income, things like cars, cell phones, and computers are going to stretch your budget. Cars need gas, maintenance, insurance. Cell phones need payment plans and a computer by itself can cost several hundred dollars. In our society now, if you do not personally own or do not have easy and convenient access, you are going struggle to keep up. For many of my consumers, this is the first time owning a computer. Many are looking for work or are beginning to go back to school. For those who are going to school, finding classes online is very important. Many do not have a car or easy access to public transportation, so being able to access those classes online gives them an opportunity that they may not have had previously.
I know from personal experience what it is like to attend school without a computer, and it was never an easy time. You have to schedule your time around when libraries and computer labs are open so that you can get your work done, and it is not always assured that there will be a space open for you. And the locations where the computers are may not always be easy to get to. During my time studying abroad, I had to take public transportation to a computer lab. Fortunately, the Austrians are known for their transportation systems, so I was only a 20 minute ride and walk away from wherever I had to be. I spent most of my senior year in college without a computer, mostly because I was to lazy to get it fixed after it got a virus. So whenever I had any work to do, I had to drive to the school computer lab. It could get inconvenient and stressful at times to do all this, even considering the fact that I had easy access at all times.
Without something like a personal computer, trying to get a job is very difficult. Many businesses now place ads for positions on the internet, and so it becomes hard for someone to get a job. Other businesses allow for someone to work entirely from home, so being able to get those types of jobs lets a person earn an extra income, and if you are dependent on a single low income, even a little bit can go a long way. For them, it is a great opportunity to get access to technology that they may not have had before. It is important for them to bridge the “technology divide” and for us to help get them there.

The Importance of Technology in Economic and Social Development

Mobile technology offers extensive help on various forms of social and economic development. 
Technological innovation and Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) represent a way for developing world nations to foster economic development, improve levels of education and training, as well as address gender issues within society.
Entrepreneurship is crucial for economic development around the world. In countries such as Nigeria, Egypt and Indonesia, micro-entrepreneurs generate 38% of the gross domestic product. Analysis from the World Bank in 2011 indicates that small businesses create a disproportionate share of new jobs. They generate new ideas, new business models, and new ways of selling goods and services.
Wireless technology and ICT infrastructure development is also vital for entrepreneurship and small business development. In many emerging nations, it is a major challenge to gain access to capital and market information. Developing nations specifically do not have functioning infrastructure or much in the way of financial resources.
In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, approximately 29% of roads are paved, barely a quarter of the population has access to electricity, and there are fewer than three landlines available per 100 people. In Indonesia, 75% of the country has household incomes below $2.50 per day. The combination of poor infrastructure and poverty makes it difficult for entrepreneurs to access financial resources and information.
Below is an example of how a basic form of technology – such as a simple mobile phone – has been proved to assist people to communicate with one another, access market information, sell products across geographic areas, reach new consumers, enter mobile payment systems, reduce fraud and crime, and empower women and the disadvantaged.
The Self-Employed Women’s Association (Sewa) in India includes 1.1 million workers who pool their resources to improve their bargaining power. The organisation sends agricultural workers daily SMSs on commodity prices so farmers can determine the best places to sell their products. Those participating say they have been able to market fruits and vegetables over wider areas, and thereby earn higher incomes.
The Ethiopia Commodity Exchange Program (ECEP) has helped entrepreneurs expand their markets. Before 2008, 95% of farmers sold their products in local markets and were not able to access other areas. Transaction costs were high and they had problems getting fair prices due to the lack of market competition. With the advent of the ECEP, agricultural producers gained access to external buyers and were able to negotiate better prices. This boosted their incomes and improved the quality of food products.
The India-based Hand in Hand Partnership (HIHP) enables women to use mobile devices to launch businesses in the technology area. It provides mentorship, training, credit, and technical support.
In Kenya, the Farmers Helpful Network (FHN) gives agricultural producers access to the latest research through their mobile phones. Farmers can ask questions of experts concerning crop rotation, artificial insemination, and crop insurance. This helps them improve their agricultural production and marketing, and increase their overall income.
Access to mobile technology is particularly important for females because there are 300 million fewer women globally than men who own mobile devices. Overall, there is a 21% gender gap in owning a phone worldwide, but this number rises to 23% in Africa, 24% in the Middle East, and 37% in Asia.
Wireless communications also plays an important role in education and training. In Indonesia, the Global Ready eTraining Center program has trained over 1000 students in technology services. Those enrolled get vouchers for a three-month program. More than 95% of the individuals enrolled completed the class, and 75% said the course increased their income as a result of the skills acquired in the program.
A survey undertaken by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) found that 55% of women around the world earned additional income due to owning a mobile phone, and 41% increased their income and professional opportunities.
Mobile payment systems represent a way to reduce the cost of financial transactions and thereby help entrepreneurs. If people can transfer funds quickly and efficiently, it becomes easier for small and medium-sized businesses to sell their products. This improves the efficiency of the marketplace and removes barriers to growth.
Reducing “friction” is very important in African, Asian, and Latin American financial markets because barriers to financial transactions remain quite high. Only 30% of those who live in developing African nations have bank accounts.
In short, mobile technology offers extensive help on various forms of social and economic development. Wireless communications broaden access to information, improve capital access, overcome geographic limitations, and expand market access.
With mobile phones and tablets proliferating at a significant rate, these communications tools enable women, in this case the disadvantaged, and other individuals to access a broader range of investors, suppliers, and customers. Combined with social media platforms, people can extend their reach through mobile devices and pool resources in meaningful ways.
- See more at:

The Importance of Technology in Economic and Social Development

Mobile technology offers extensive help on various forms of social and economic development. 
Technological innovation and Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) represent a way for developing world nations to foster economic development, improve levels of education and training, as well as address gender issues within society.
Entrepreneurship is crucial for economic development around the world. In countries such as Nigeria, Egypt and Indonesia, micro-entrepreneurs generate 38% of the gross domestic product. Analysis from the World Bank in 2011 indicates that small businesses create a disproportionate share of new jobs. They generate new ideas, new business models, and new ways of selling goods and services.
Wireless technology and ICT infrastructure development is also vital for entrepreneurship and small business development. In many emerging nations, it is a major challenge to gain access to capital and market information. Developing nations specifically do not have functioning infrastructure or much in the way of financial resources.
In sub-Saharan Africa, for example, approximately 29% of roads are paved, barely a quarter of the population has access to electricity, and there are fewer than three landlines available per 100 people. In Indonesia, 75% of the country has household incomes below $2.50 per day. The combination of poor infrastructure and poverty makes it difficult for entrepreneurs to access financial resources and information.
Below is an example of how a basic form of technology – such as a simple mobile phone – has been proved to assist people to communicate with one another, access market information, sell products across geographic areas, reach new consumers, enter mobile payment systems, reduce fraud and crime, and empower women and the disadvantaged.
The Self-Employed Women’s Association (Sewa) in India includes 1.1 million workers who pool their resources to improve their bargaining power. The organisation sends agricultural workers daily SMSs on commodity prices so farmers can determine the best places to sell their products. Those participating say they have been able to market fruits and vegetables over wider areas, and thereby earn higher incomes.
The Ethiopia Commodity Exchange Program (ECEP) has helped entrepreneurs expand their markets. Before 2008, 95% of farmers sold their products in local markets and were not able to access other areas. Transaction costs were high and they had problems getting fair prices due to the lack of market competition. With the advent of the ECEP, agricultural producers gained access to external buyers and were able to negotiate better prices. This boosted their incomes and improved the quality of food products.
The India-based Hand in Hand Partnership (HIHP) enables women to use mobile devices to launch businesses in the technology area. It provides mentorship, training, credit, and technical support.
In Kenya, the Farmers Helpful Network (FHN) gives agricultural producers access to the latest research through their mobile phones. Farmers can ask questions of experts concerning crop rotation, artificial insemination, and crop insurance. This helps them improve their agricultural production and marketing, and increase their overall income.
Access to mobile technology is particularly important for females because there are 300 million fewer women globally than men who own mobile devices. Overall, there is a 21% gender gap in owning a phone worldwide, but this number rises to 23% in Africa, 24% in the Middle East, and 37% in Asia.
Wireless communications also plays an important role in education and training. In Indonesia, the Global Ready eTraining Center program has trained over 1000 students in technology services. Those enrolled get vouchers for a three-month program. More than 95% of the individuals enrolled completed the class, and 75% said the course increased their income as a result of the skills acquired in the program.
A survey undertaken by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) found that 55% of women around the world earned additional income due to owning a mobile phone, and 41% increased their income and professional opportunities.
Mobile payment systems represent a way to reduce the cost of financial transactions and thereby help entrepreneurs. If people can transfer funds quickly and efficiently, it becomes easier for small and medium-sized businesses to sell their products. This improves the efficiency of the marketplace and removes barriers to growth.
Reducing “friction” is very important in African, Asian, and Latin American financial markets because barriers to financial transactions remain quite high. Only 30% of those who live in developing African nations have bank accounts.
In short, mobile technology offers extensive help on various forms of social and economic development. Wireless communications broaden access to information, improve capital access, overcome geographic limitations, and expand market access.
With mobile phones and tablets proliferating at a significant rate, these communications tools enable women, in this case the disadvantaged, and other individuals to access a broader range of investors, suppliers, and customers. Combined with social media platforms, people can extend their reach through mobile devices and pool resources in meaningful ways.
- See more at:

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