Tuesday 14 July 2015

8th June 2015
New artist's renderings of Pluto
The New Horizons probe is now just 36 days away from its historic encounter with Pluto. Based on the little visual information gleaned so far, NASA has released these new artist's renderings of the dwarf planet and its moons. The mission team is currently looking for any indications of dust or debris that might threaten the spacecraft's flight through the Pluto system on 14th July. At such high speed, even a particle as small as a grain of rice could be fatal. They expect to complete a thorough analysis of the data and report on its results by Friday this week. No rings, new moons, or other potential hazards have been detected so far; but if any dangers are found, the team has until 4th July to divert the probe to one of three alternate routes.

Click to enlarge
Pluto and its moons
Pluto global view
Pluto's south pole
Pluto's north pole
Pluto global view
Pluto global view
Pluto crescent

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